Submit Video
Submit video:
Deadline: March 14th, 2025
HIDOE video release forms:
Contest Rules:
Projects must be created entirely by students from your school within the current school year.
Use of artificial intelligence (Ai) is limited to music and a few still images, No Ai video or stock footage allowed.
Screen size must be at least 1920 x1080 or 1080x1080 if vertical. Submit only: .avi, .mov, or .mp4 format.
Social media promotional videos must upload a video file. (Links will not be accepted)
No copyrighted material allowed without written permission from the creator/owner. Including music of ANY length.
Video release forms are required for any minor who is visually identifiable in your video.
If submitting a “Hiki No” project, it may NOT include ANY graphic elements created by PBS Hawaii.
Entries may not contain: inappropriate, violent, or risky behavior.
No video shall actively promote ANY business or organization, whether for profit or not. (However, video entries may include employees or people representing a business or organization. So long as, these employees or people are not actively promoting the business or organization. We expect stories about people rather than businesses or organizations.)
Logos for businesses or organizations may NOT be used. (briefly seen on camera is fine)
Contestants give Hawaii Department of Education the right to publish the project, in part or whole, in any medium without compensation.
Animated characters MUST be drawn or modeled by students.
Bloopers will be removed.
Decision of the judges is final.
Entries received after the deadline will not be considered.